Starbound save editor
Starbound save editor

Spawn a vehicle of the specified type at the mouse cursor. Overrides should be specified as a JSON object enclosed by single quotes. Spawn an NPC of the specified species and type at the mouse cursor. Parameters should be specified as a JSON object enclosed by single quotes. Spawn a monster of the specified type at the mouse cursor. Spawns all items in a single random generation of the specified treasure pool at the mouse cursor. Count should be an integer and defaults to 1. If the item does not exist it will spawn a perfectly generic item. Spawn the specified item at the mouse cursor. Sets the default spawn point on the current world to your character’s position.

starbound save editor

Set protection for blocks with the specified dungeonId to be true (unbreakable) or false (breakable). Usage /settileprotection dungeonId isProtected. Warp universe time ahead by the specified number of seconds. Most warp actions can have =xcoordinate.ycoordinate added to specify a position within that world. Valid warp action formats include: OwnShip, OrbitedWorld, CelestialWorld:celestialcoordinates, InstanceWorld:worldid::, ClientShipWorld:playeruuid, Player:playeruuid, Nowhere (current world). Starbound Cheats and Codes – Commands for Admin Useful in macros to give a character new gear replacing the existing gear, or you know, for fun. This can be used as a last resort if you are irreversibly stuck. Kills the current character, incurring all normal death penalties (including permadeath!). Displays the total death count of the current character. Displays the total play time of the current character. Display the celestial coordinate of your current location.

starbound save editor

Display your server username and admin status. Display your local username and admin status.

starbound save editor


Useful when testing a mod as it will reload the assets without requiring to exit the game. Enables or disables admin mode, which enables all crafting recipes, prevents damage or energy loss, and allows access to admin-only commands. Use /help commandName to get detailed documentation.

Starbound save editor